Ti-A Woven Goods

Ti-A Woven Goods

Bolgatanga, Ghana is known for weaving. The Frafra have crafted baskets for generations to supplement farming income. A British colony until 1957, Ghana was one of the first African countries to gain independence. It's had a democratic government for 30 years, has halved its extreme poverty rate, and passed a wide range of laws to give citizens opportunity and protection.

Headquartered in Denver, Colorado, Ti-A Woven Goods employs weavers in 10 villages in Ghana, paying above fair trade wages and working mainly with women's co-operatives. 


  • Made by Hand

    Hand crafted with love.

  • Ghana Flag Heart

    Made in Ghana

    This item was made in Ghana.

  • Fair Trade Federation logo

    Mitglied der Fair Trade Federation

    Verifiziertes Mitglied der Fair Trade Federation.

3 Produkte