Since 1861, when Alexandre Bornibus took over a mustard factory located in the Halles district of Paris. Within a few years, Bornibus' innovations led him to file for a patent in 1864 for a "means of sieving mustard and various other substances." In addition to his industrial progress, Bornibus was also recognized for social progress, giving his works paid time off (a rarity at the time).
After its founders death in 1882, the company passed through his descendants, eventually being sold to Casimex Fine Foods, which operates the brand today.
Made in France
This item was made in France.
Bornibus Dijon Mustard
Regular price $9.00 USDRegular priceUnit price / per -
Bornibus Mustard with Provence Herbs
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Bornibus Wholegrain Mustard
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