Hurricane Helene

Hurricane Helene devastated regions in the south-eastern United States when it came ashore in late September. Hundreds of people were killed, and many more suffered severe property damage. Our hearts go out to all of those affected by this natural disaster, especially those artists and artisans and their families whom the Chrysler Shop supports. Please consider buying from artists and makers in the affected regions, and donating to Red Cross and other relief agencies.

Here is what we know so far about our vendors in the affected region:


Located in Asheville, North Carolina, Kamibashi suffered some property damage across multiple buildings, but no injuries or deaths within Kristen & Chris Daniels' extended family of employees. We understand they are still without power, and no access to phone or internet at the moment, and city water will take many weeks to restore. Orders will resume slowly, as there is only one road open, and it is being prioritized for rescue and relief efforts.

Sabbath-Day Woods

We just received our fall order from Desmond at Sabbath-Day Woods, located in Canton, North Carolina (right next to Asheville) just days after hurricane Helene hit the area. Desmond tells us he and his family are okay, with no injuries and no damage beyond loss of power and water service. He says there are many artists in the area that have lost everything.

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